Well, 2022 was a strange year for everyone wasn’t it? For Little Bit Different is was the year of white label candles. We created thousands.
Penblwydd hapus
We started the year introducing additions to our Penblwydd Hapus candles. The new ages were very popular and kept us very busy during the weeks after their launch.

Little Bit Spa
Next came the new Little Bit Spa range with its spring like pastel glass and bright labels. Perfect when you need to calm your soul or need a bit of zing, there is a candle for every mood.

Y Cartref Cymreig
The perfectly packaged Y Cartref Cymreig with a candle for every room of the home followed shortly behind. With chunky glass containers, fabulous fragrance blends, sumptuous textured labels packaged in a white card tube they became an instant hit.

Christmas Candles
The festive season is always a great excuse to let our imagination run wild. We created a candle based around our 44 year old version of The Night Before Christmas, our youngest even helped with the label artwork.
White label candles
We added more white label candle customers to our list. We also created further new fragrances and label designs for existing customers with our bespoke candle service and in house candle label design.
In September we received our biggest white label candle order to date with 1000 candles for national company Wype UK.
Little Bit Different on the shelves at John Lewis
We were asked to be involved in a ten week pop up in John Lewis Cardiff with Curated Makers in the run up to Christmas. We jumped at the chance and got to see a selection of our Christmas products on the shelves of the iconic store. It was a pinch me moment.
We ended a busy year with the return to Christmas fairs. One with the National Trust and the other our own fair “Not Your Average Fair”. It was so good to see and hear our customers reaction to the fragrances and actually chat to them again.
2023 is set to be another interesting year with a move in a few months time to bigger space and back to the county of Carmarthenshire. We hope to visit more of our stockists in person. If you are a stockist reading this and would like to see new products in person let us know.